Everything requires planning, especially when the stakes run into the multi millions that goes into making a marketing programme succeed. Starting this issue, 4Ps B&M bring you some of the hottest media strategies that have pushed brands to another high altogether. It’s all in the plan, you see!
No slick 30-second TV spots; hardly any print adverts and neither are Tata Nano billboards splayed across cities. Yet, Ratan Tata’s Nano dominated public discussion and discourse around its launch last year. Given the cluttered market, where car makers spend tens of million to ensure that their new model is noted and recalled, wouldn’t you call that a bit of a dichotomy? Sure the tag of ‘the world’s cheapest car’ speaks for itself, but surely the Nano needed an extra something to nudge public response? You bet! And that’s where media agencies come in – to provide a solution to any marketing problem. Marketing honchos talk for hours about their big idea, great creative and how it enhanced their brand’s personality. Yet, without an effective media plan, it would all have come to a naught. Good creatives rock. But a bad media plan can destroy the best creative messages. While a good plan can overcome even a bad message. Starting this issue, our new series celebrates those smart media insights that have contributed to sales, market share or the buzz around brands. To flag off the series, aditi prasad and savreen gadhoke bring you some intelligent innovations from Madison Media, Lodestar Universal and Mediacom. Here’s hoping you learn as much from this new series as we hope to do…
For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2010.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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Outlook Magazine's B School Ranking Scam Exposed
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IIPM exposes Career 360 and Mahesh Peri scam
IIPM - We will change your outlook : Career 360 and Mahesh Peri scam is exposed
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B-schools expect higher rate of campus placements this year
No slick 30-second TV spots; hardly any print adverts and neither are Tata Nano billboards splayed across cities. Yet, Ratan Tata’s Nano dominated public discussion and discourse around its launch last year. Given the cluttered market, where car makers spend tens of million to ensure that their new model is noted and recalled, wouldn’t you call that a bit of a dichotomy? Sure the tag of ‘the world’s cheapest car’ speaks for itself, but surely the Nano needed an extra something to nudge public response? You bet! And that’s where media agencies come in – to provide a solution to any marketing problem. Marketing honchos talk for hours about their big idea, great creative and how it enhanced their brand’s personality. Yet, without an effective media plan, it would all have come to a naught. Good creatives rock. But a bad media plan can destroy the best creative messages. While a good plan can overcome even a bad message. Starting this issue, our new series celebrates those smart media insights that have contributed to sales, market share or the buzz around brands. To flag off the series, aditi prasad and savreen gadhoke bring you some intelligent innovations from Madison Media, Lodestar Universal and Mediacom. Here’s hoping you learn as much from this new series as we hope to do…
For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2010.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned IIPM articles.
For Exclusive Footage by Sunday Indian Click Here
Outlook Magazine's B School Ranking Scam Exposed
Don't trust the Indian Media!
IIPM exposes Career 360 and Mahesh Peri scam
IIPM - We will change your outlook : Career 360 and Mahesh Peri scam is exposed
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IIPM ISBE Programmes
Follow Arindam Chaudhuri on Twitter
IIPM B School on Twitter
B-schools expect higher rate of campus placements this year
Labels: IIPM, IIPM Admission Detail, IIPM Gurgaon, IIPM New Delhi, Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Rashmi Bansal Publisher of JAMMAG magazine caught red-handed, for details click on the following links.
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